Under the Tuscan Sun

Pizzer and beea for breakfast, and a stroll through Volterra. GRAPPA after dinner, an unpleasant digestivo. It was a struggle, but we made it UP THERE to the top of the DUOMO in Florence. A cacophony of bells in the piazza. Don't we sound Italian?


Erin said…
I get an extra present for leaving the most comments:) Keep having fun and drinking all that yummy wine!
Betsy said…
Hi Everyone!
I am absolutely loving your Italy blog. Kind of makes me feel like I'm with you and definitely makes me want to visit Italy someday! Scott's comments are absolutely hysterical. I was laughing so hard in my office the other day that Seth peeked in to see what was so funny! We spent the week with an on-site Blackbaud consultant so Wendy can surely appreciate how much I looked forward to watching the blog when I had a spare moment.....I desperately needed to be "taken away" and your blog is fabulous!
Betsy Quimby
Anonymous said…
In the latest post...
...betsy looks drunk,
Amy's hair looks great, and she looks like a real "I-talian"...scott looks scared of the stairs of the Duomo and Amy looks she's getting annoyed with the big baby.
Kim said…
Looks like you are having a great time!!! There are some problems with Scotts choices of names. Guido is already taken by Brian. He goes by Guido Casserrelli. Clemenzi sounds way too much like Chlamydia, enough said!! Guisseppe is too common. The Godfather needs a much stronger name.
Have fun !!
amy vander els said…
Thanks for all of the laughs... most certainly was not annoyed at Clemenzi. And here are some comments from some of your fans:

1. where in god's name did you take them while you were walking home from dinner that there wasn't a single solitary person in site? or any noise for that matter. the quietest street in florence.
2. my favorite line in the rental car video was when besty goes "goddamned cars in italy, they start with a key." i almost wet my pants.
3. how much longer are they going to be there? i need to know when i can't see this. do you know if they're planning on taking any more trips together? can they do video blogs from back home?
Bill said…
Sorry we have been delinquent in our visiting and posting...catching up on the sights. Scott, I was impressed that they had that statue in your likeness!

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